How to add and test HTTP basic authentication in a Phoenix web application

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If you are coming from a Rails background, you'll be used to having a convenience method http_basic_authenticate_with. Which you simply throw into your controller and just like magic, have a password protected portion of your web app.

Phoenix by default, doesn't include any authentication. So to add HTTP basic auth (or any other type of authentication), you either need to roll your own, or make use of some of the many Plug packages that are popping up to help you along.

I wrote BasicAuth, a Plug that lets you add Rails-like basic authentication at controller or router level using a snippet like:

# add the package to your mix.exs deps
{:basic_auth, ">= 0.0.1"}
# drop this in a controller or router pipeline
plug BasicAuth, realm: "Admin Area", username: "admin", password: "secret"

If you're interested in how this works under the covers, here's the implementation.

How do you test basic auth in Phoenix?

Adding in basic auth is fairly straightforward when we use plugs, but if you have tests for your controllers, you're going to start seeing a whole load of failures because of the behaviour change.

To crudely summarise how HTTP basic auth works at the client-side, your browser needs to send a request header that looks a bit like:

Authorization:Basic YWRtaW46c2VjcmV0

Where YWRtaW46c2VjcmV0 is the basic auth username and password combined in a string like "admin:secret", and then base64 encoded.

In elixir, we can do this with the help of the Base module, which is part of the Elixir standard library. We can test this out in an IEx session:

iex(1)> Base.encode64("admin:secret")

So to create the full content for our header we can do something like:

iex(1)> "Basic " <> Base.encode64("admin:secret")
"Basic YWRtaW46c2VjcmV0"

When writing controller tests, we're making use of Plug.Test, which is where the conn() function comes from. So for example, a really simple test case might look something like:

test "GET /" do
  conn = conn()
  |> get("/")
  assert html_response(conn, 200)

Now the problem at hand is, we want to make the GET request to /, but we need to add the authorization header into our request. With the pipe operator (|>), this becomes quite an easy task actually. We simply add in an additional line for setting our request header:

put_req_header(conn, "authorization", "Basic " <> Base.encode64("admin:secret"))

Dropping that into our previous test case (removing the first argument as it is piped), we get something that looks like:

test "GET /" do
  conn = conn()
  |> put_req_header("authorization", "Basic " <> Base.encode64("admin:secret"))
  |> get("/")
  assert html_response(conn, 200)

This can be tidied up and made a bit nicer, but is everything you need to know in order to get started with testing HTTP basic auth. For more details, checkout the README on the BasicAuth github repository.

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